When to redesign your website
These days, your customers’ first impression of your business is often based on your website. If your site is not ‘up to scratch’ then you should seriously consider a redesign. It requires a good deal of thought, time, and potentially money, but the benefits can be enormous.
A ‘redesign’ doesn’t necessarily mean that you completely scrap your old website and start anew. Laying out your homepage, or other key pages, differently may be sufficient to help customers find your company’s information easier. Sometimes adding headlines or illustrative images can provide a big return. A complete new ‘look and feel’ for your website is not always required.
While you can find many reasons to revamp your website, here are some times when you should definitely get your redesign plans off the ground.
Rebranding is necessary for your business
If your business has undergone rebranding, you’ll most certainly need to redesign your website. And rebranding isn’t always just about a new logo and colours — it often will require an update of the content on your website, as well — so don’t forget that aspect of your website makeover.
Your website is old and outdated, and your competition has updated their website to look like new
These days, technology changes faster and faster. If you had a website built 3 years ago, it probably looks outdated already. This could result in your competition stealing your customer base with their new websites. If so, it might be time to play catch-up — and then take one step ahead of them to boost your business.
If your website looks old and worn, it might be time to consider a refresh so customers know that you still value their business.
Your website isn’t responsive (Mobile-Friendly)
If your site isn’t responsive yet, then chances are high you’re losing leads and maybe even customers. Mobile users have made it clear they want to have a great interface on their devices — the same ones they have on desktops — so this should be a major priority for your company if it isn’t already. Smartphones are used in daily life, and if you’ve found your website is not responsive yet, you need to consider a redesign.
New functionality should be added
If you want to add a blog, forums, e-commerce, or other major features or tools to your website, a redesign is probably in order. That way, you can ensure that everything flows seamlessly throughout the website.
It’s difficult for customers to find information on your website
If your website customers can’t find what they’re looking for, they’ll leave as soon as possible. If that’s the case, you’ll definitely want a new website design that’s user-friendly and keeps your current and prospective customers happy.